posted @ 2014年12月01日 18:41
in matlab使用
, 1346 阅读
比如,你已经输入了一些变量,现在执行一个save命令(例如存在D盘底下): save('d:\a.mat'); 然后当你使用的时候,只需要执行load命令就能够将原来的数据加载上: load('d:\a.mat');
比如,你已经输入了一些变量,现在执行一个save命令(例如存在D盘底下): save('d:\a.mat'); 然后当你使用的时候,只需要执行load命令就能够将原来的数据加载上: load('d:\a.mat');
2023年1月22日 20:32
Making a variable in MATLAB and being able to use it again comes with a few simple steps. For instance, if you have entered a variable and wish to save it, simply execute the "save" command and diamonds rings near me designate a file location (e.g. d:\a.mat). To use the variable again, you need only to execute the "load" command and designate the same file location as before (e.g. d:\a.mat). By following these simple steps, you can now reliably save and use variables in MATLAB.